ABAPITA Files: Spontaneity is Not an Option

For the benefit of those who may not know, ABAPITA is an acronym for aint blindness a pain in the, um, anatomy. Substitute any word you like beginning with A. I don’t spend much time harping on it, but there are times when my blindness is a serious impediment to my enjoyment of life. Recently it occurred to me that it might be therapeutic to write about how this might manifest itself. Because I understand not everyone will be interested in reading such personal missives, I have chosen to label these types of post with the ABAPITA title, so those who wish to skip and move on can do so. Anyway, with that explanation out of the way, here is my beef for today.

Because of my blindness, most experiences that require leaving the house and going anywhere require at least a modicum of planning ahead. This makes spontaneity well nigh impossible. Case in point…I am very interested in seeing the movie Risen while it’s in theaters. It looks like it could be very interesting, to say the least. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible for me to wake up on a given morning and say Gosh, today’s the day I go and see the movie. It requires finding someone else who might like to go, coordinating schedules, etc., etc., etc. It takes planning at least a day ahead of time, often even more than that. And, in this example, things are more complicated by the fact that both Sarah and I would like to see it with audio description, which would require a trip to Indianapolis. This is true of any number of other examples, big and small, every day. I suspect this is a huge reason why I have grown to view spontaneity in general in a very negative light. I apologize if this comes across as so much whinage, because I promise that isn’t my intent. I’m just attempting to convey the frustration I feel from time to time. It is what it is, it will continue to be so, and I will continue to deal with it the best I can.

About Kevin LaRose

cat daddy extraordinaire, creator of mouthwatering dishes, able to teach a language geek enough history and politics that she removes her head from the language books for at least an hour a day...

About Kevin LaRose

cat daddy extraordinaire, creator of mouthwatering dishes, able to teach a language geek enough history and politics that she removes her head from the language books for at least an hour a day...

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