Initial Thoughts On My Writing

I am spending this week attending a writer’s conference put on by a group called Writing For Your Life. The conference itself is called Writing Dangerously, and it features some heavy hitters in the Christian publishing field. Already several times this week I have felt like what James Stockdale, Ross Perot’s running mate in the 1992 Presidential campaign, must have felt like when he said “Who am I? Why am I here?” It’s really easy to feel outclassed in this group. After all, I have never published a word. Yet I have felt a pull to write for a very long time, and these past two days have begun to light a fireunder me.

I know I want to write. The questions I need to answer are what do I want to write, and to whom? This is what I’m grappling with right now, and I have no idea where it will lead. I know i have a story I want to tell, but what story? And how will I tell it? Will I write a book or keep a blog going? From what I’ve heard so far this week, blogs are now considered kind of old school. But I think there’s still a lot they can offer. For me, it could be a way to tell my story over time, and potentially reshape it into book form later. I know people who have done this. I’m not really looking for monetary gain. I know anything I have to say will probably not sell widely in the mass market, and that’s okay with me. Right now I have the time and the freedom to do whatever I want. In a way this is liberating, but in another way it’s a little scary, honestly. Throughout my life I’ve never been really good at holding myself accountable. It’s time for that to change.

I guess what I am getting at, when all is said and done, is that my writing is very much a work in progress and wil probably remain so for a while. I have no time limit so I’m thinking I’ll do some playing around to see what works. In any event, like Rachel Maddow says, watch this space.

About Kevin LaRose

cat daddy extraordinaire, creator of mouthwatering dishes, able to teach a language geek enough history and politics that she removes her head from the language books for at least an hour a day...

About Kevin LaRose

cat daddy extraordinaire, creator of mouthwatering dishes, able to teach a language geek enough history and politics that she removes her head from the language books for at least an hour a day...

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