Getting The Show On The Road

Welcome to my new blog. I’m saying that for my benefit as much as for those reading this. I’ve attempted blogging in the past, and with the exception of a short stint in 2010 I never really stuck with it. I don’t necessarily count my posts on Livejournal over the years as blogging, since that was strictly meant for a specific group of readers. I’m really going to do what I can to stick with this. Writing is very good therapy for me, and I need to keep it going.

First and foremost, a huge thank you to my lovely and extremely talented wife, Sarah, for all her efforts on my behalf to get this going. She never let me kill this idea, and kept it alive until she figured out a way it could work. Thanks for knowing what I need, sometimes even before I do.

Now, what will this blog cover? The short answer is, I’m not sure. It’s very much a work in progress, and at this point I really don’t want to restrict myself to specific topics. What I am envisioning is a mix of personal, political, general, maybe some silliness thrown in…In short, the sky’s the limit. I will say this at the outset; it is my intention to, at least to the extent that I can, take off my editors. This is my space, and I’m going to feel free to treat it as such. Of course, I’m not planning to cut loose with invectives and diatribes, as that is not who I am. I’m just working to put the least amount of constraints on myself as possible. If you disagree with me, or think I’m full of hoo-ha, or even think what I wrote is the most brilliant thing you ever read, please feel free to utilize the comments section. That’s what it’s there for. I love conversation, even when it gets a bit heated. I may not always agree with you, but I promise that I’ll be respectful and not let the dialogue descend into the mud. To be brutally honest, one of my aims here is to expand my online footprint. Nobody is more aware than me how many blogs there are out there—I read many of them—and some might view yet another one as nothing more than adding to the existing cacophony. I can’t promise verbiage worthy of the pros that have been doing this for a long time, but what I do plan to give you is the best I’ve got. I’ll be in there swinging, and hopefully I’ll connect with a few solid hits as time goes on. In any event, if you’ve climbed on this flight of fancy, welcome aboard!

About Kevin LaRose

cat daddy extraordinaire, creator of mouthwatering dishes, able to teach a language geek enough history and politics that she removes her head from the language books for at least an hour a day...

About Kevin LaRose

cat daddy extraordinaire, creator of mouthwatering dishes, able to teach a language geek enough history and politics that she removes her head from the language books for at least an hour a day...


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! 🙂 I need/want to start a blog, but have not the time to set it up the way I want it, and I refuse (my neurotic self won’t let me,) to set up a blog without having a theme or reason for creating one. Especially, for me, if it’s going to go out into the online space. 😀 It would be a project though worth revisiting for me since I’ve got the domain and everything. It just only handles email. 🙂 good luck with your writing on the www. I look forward to reading!

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