Conviction Time

First, the good stuff. I need to do some bragging on my bride. As of today, she is a bona fide, newly minted professor of the Hebrew language. Her online class began today, and to say she’s hard at work would be a gross understatement. If I was wearing a shirt with buttons, they’d be busting right now. I’m more proud of her than words can say.

Along with this pride, I’m feeling more than a little conviction. She has been working extremely hard in preparation for teaching this course over the past few months. She’s been living, breathing, even eating Hebrew all day, every day, all the time. I’ve even contemplated getting completely in the spirit and buying some Hebrew National hot dogs. Seriously, though, while she has been giving her all and then some for this class, my production level has slowed to pretty much nonexistent. Oh, I’m supporting her every way I can, making sure she’s eating, keeping coffee supplied, offering an emotional boost when needed, etc. During this time, though, I’m ashamed to say I’ve let my own self-development slide. It’s not like I haven’t had the time; there has been plenty of that. I have not been spending the time wisely at all. I’ve been fooling around on Facebook. I’ve been obsessively playing Trivia Crack and Dice World. And more recently, I’ve been binging on some rather mindless TV shows (my latest is Scandal, which is like a train wreck you just can’t turn away from). I’m devoting my precious time and energy to these fairly empty pursuits, and I find I don’t have any gas in the tank left when I want to turn to the more meaty stuff. For a long time Sarah has been admonishing me to be more mindful of my time usage. I want to say here, publicly, that she is absolutely right. With all the blood, sweat, and more than a few tears she has poured into this Hebrew class, I have no business essentially being a lump. So, from this point on, the meat comes first. There is certainly a place for games and television episodes and related frivolities, but I need to think of them more as the dessert course. I’ve been treating them like the meal in and of themselves, which is kind of tantamount to eating the ice cream out of the carton at dinnertime and foregoing all else. Thus, I will henceforth be devoting my intellectual energies to reading the massive backlog of material I haven’t gotten to yet. Also, I will be writing more in this space. I know I’ve said that before, but I now have some living, breathing inspiration sitting in the office with the nose to the grindstone as I type this. The way I see it, the best way for me to honor what she is doing is to work harder honoring my own intellectual pursuits and, more to the point, managing my time better. I won’t be disappearing from the games and Facebook front; I’m just going to be regulating my time more. If Sarah can sacrifice so much time and emotional energy for something meaningful to her, I can sure as heck do this for myself.

About Kevin LaRose

cat daddy extraordinaire, creator of mouthwatering dishes, able to teach a language geek enough history and politics that she removes her head from the language books for at least an hour a day...

About Kevin LaRose

cat daddy extraordinaire, creator of mouthwatering dishes, able to teach a language geek enough history and politics that she removes her head from the language books for at least an hour a day...

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